Waterfalls are impressive and there are many of these in Romania. Some large, other smaller, but this does not change their attraction. The masses of water tumble down from different heights, making an unmistakable sound. Some of the waterfalls are easy and comfortable to reach, while others require a few more or fewer metres of hiking. But what all waterfalls have in common is that they impress their viewers.

Waterfalls in Romania

Nature of Romania

Saint Anna Lake

Saint Anna Lake (Lake Lacul Sfanta Anna) is located not far from the...

Howling Waterfall

Howling Waterfall (Cascada Urlatoarea) is located in Bucegi National...

Movile Cave

The Movile Cave (Pestera ) is located near the town of Mangalia in...

Muierilor Cave

The Muierilor Cave (Women's Cave) is one of the most famous caves in...

Retezat National Park

Retezat National Park (Parcul Național Retezat) is one of the first...

Tarnita Lake

Lake Tarnita (Lacul Tarnita) is a reservoir in Cluj County, which is...

Sphinx and Babele

The rock formations Babele and Sphinx are located in the Bucegi...

Nera Gorge-Beusnita National Park

Nera Gorge-Beusnita National Park (Parcul National Cheile...

Maramures Mountains Natural Park

Maramures Mountains Nature Park (Parcului Natural Muntii...


The Danube (Dunărea) is a river that flows through numerous European...


Romania´s Nature

Romania Nature Reserves

Rumänien ist geprägt von zahlreichen Naturparks, idyllischen Wäldern, Berggipfeln, Seen und Meer.

Nature and National Parks

Nature & National Parks of Romania