Blog About Romania

Romania is a great travel destination in south-eastern Europe that will inspire you with its sights, beautiful cities and wonderful nature. On this page you will always find the latest articles about this beautiful country as well as information, pictures and tips....


Transylvania is certainly the most famous region of Romania, which includes the counties of Alba, Bistrita, Brasov, Cluj, Covasna, Harghita, Hunedoara, Mures as well as Sibiu. Transylvania is certainly the most famous region of Romania, . Here tourists & travelers...

Bucket List

Romania is a great travel destination in south-eastern Europe and offers something for almost everyone. Whether you are planning a cultural trip, a weekend getaway or a hiking vacation, Romania is rich in culture, nature and hospitality. The bucket list gives you a...

Parts of Romania

Romania’s territories include Transylvania, Oltenia, Muntenia, Moldova, Banat, Bucovina, Dobrogea, Crisana and Satmar si Maramures, which are divided into diverse counties (Judetul in Romanian). The parts of Romania are very different. At the same time, they...

Best Cities

Romania has beautiful cities, some of which have world-famous landmarks. Numerous historic city centers are also part of the Unesco World Cultural Heritage. In most cities there are large and small squares (rum.: Piata) where life pulsates. Take your time for your...


A part of today’s Romania was called Banat in the past. Today this region includes the counties (Romanian: Judetul) Timis, Caras-Severin. The region borders the Republic of Serbia to the west and is bordered by the Danube River to the south. In the north of...