The Piatra Craiului National Park (Parcul National Piatra Craiului) covers an area of almost 15000 hectares and is located in the Southern Carpathians in Brasov & Arges County. The National Park offers different hiking trails whose entry points are located near...
Retezat National Park (Parcul Național Retezat) is one of the first national parks in Romania, which was proclaimed a protected area in 1935. Today, the national park is one of the most popular nature reserves in Romania, where you can find numerous hiking trails and...
There are many natural sites in Romania (Transylvania) for you to discover! These include the Solomons Rocks, Bucegi National Park, Piatra Craiului Nature Reserve, Bucegi Nature Park, Apuseni Nature Park and the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, various lakes and many...
The Bucegi Nature Park (Parcul Natural Bucegi) covers a vast area of the Southern Carpathians in Romania. There are numerous smaller nature reserves within the park. The highest peak of the Bucegi Mountains is the Omu at 2507 metres. The magnificent natural area...