The city of Ramnicu Sarat (Rümnick) is located in the historical region of Muntenia in Romania and offers some sights that are interesting. However, some of the monumental and historical buildings can only be seen from the outside. And like everywhere in Romania, you will find some beautiful churches in Ramnicu Sarat. Among them are the Church of the Holy Virgin Paraskeva (Biserica Cuvioasa Parascheva), the Monastery (Mânăstirea Adormirea Maicii Domnului) and the Church of the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel. Also worth seeing is the building complex (Complexul Brancovenesc), which includes the Brancovenian Municipal Museum, the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Mânăstirea Adormirea Maicii Domnului) and the courtyard, which can be visited. Also worth mentioning is the Palace of Administration and Justice (Palatul Administrativ si de Justitie), the Lupescu House (Casa Lupescu), as well as the old District Prison (Inchisoarea Tacerii) and the Railway Station Building (Gara). You can take a break in one of the city’s parks or restaurants.

Ramnicu Sarat

city of Ramnicu Sarat

In the vicinity of the town of Ramnicu Sarat there are some unique natural sites. First of all, there are the mud volcanoes (Vulcanii Noroioși Pâclele Mari), located about 50 kilometers from the city. Think of rubber boots or sturdy shoes when you visit this place. Balta Lake is a protected natural area where birds such as seagulls, swans, pheasants and wild geese nest. The lake is also said to have healing properties. Known in the past as a popular spa area of the nobility, the lake fell into oblivion for a long time. Today there are again possibilities to spend the night at the lake, where you can enjoy the peace and nature. A place of rest is also the monastery (Manastirea Sfanta Treime Podul Bulgarului), located about 6 kilometers from Ramnicu Sarat. The nearest towns are Buzau and Focasni, which you can reach via the national road E85, on which Ramnicu Sarat is also located.

Highlights Ramnicu Sarat

  • Museum (Muzeul Municipal Ramnicu)
  • Building (Complexul Brancovenesc)
  • Palace of Justice (Palatul Administrativ si de Justitie)
  • Assumption Monastery(Mânăstirea Adormirea Maicii Domnului)
  • Church of Archangel Michael and Gabriel (Biserica Sfinții Voievozi-Câța Sf.arhangheli Mihail si Gavril)
  • Church St. Parascheva(Biserica Cuvioasa Parascheva)
  • Lupescu-House (Casa Lupescu)
  • Prison (Inchisoarea Tacerii)
  • Train Statiom (Gara)
  • Parks
  • Holy Trinity Monastery (Manastirea Sfanta Treime Podul Bulgarului) 6km
  • Lake(Lacul Balta Albă) 8km
  • Mud volcanoes Berca(Vulcanii Noroisi Pacele Mari 50km
  • Eternal Flame (Focul Viu)

City Guide Ramnicu Sarat

Useful Addresses


For overnight stays in Ramnicu Sarat you can find various accommodations and for the physical well-being you can stop in one of the restaurants of the city.

Ramnicu Sarat

Map Ramnicu Sarat

City map Ramnicu Sarat, on...

Accommodations Ramnicu Sarat

The city of Ramnicu Sarat is...

Restaurants in Ramnicu Sarat

In the town of Ramnicu Sarat...

Eternal Flame

Eternal flame (Focul Viu) is...

City Map Ramnicu Sarat

Weather Ramnicu Sarat

Muntenia is a historic part of Romania

Welcome to the region of Muntenia

The city of Ramnicu Sarat is located in the historic region of Muntenia!