Galati is a city worth seeing in Romania, which is located directly on the Doanu River and has several sights. The city is especially known for the largest port on the Danube, which connects the river and the Black Sea, so to speak. The television tower (Turnul Televiziunii) is visible from afar and offers a beautiful view of the city on the Danube. Among the other sights of the city that you should have seen are the churches Biserica St. Precista, Biserica Vovidenia and Catedrala Arhiepiscopala Sfantul Apostol Andrei, as well as the historical buildings such as the Palace of Justice (Palatul de Justitie) and the ruins of the Roman camp (Castrul roman de la Tirighina-Barbosi).

Discover Galati

Welcome to Galati

You should also walk along the waterfront of Galati (Aleea Faleaza Dunarii) and take a boat trip on the river. The numerous parks and gardens of the city offer you relaxation and tranquility. Among them are the Parcul Mihai Eminescu and the Gradina Botnaica Galati. Not to forget the museums of the city, such as the Museum of History (Muzeul Istoriei), which is located in the Palatul Episcopal or the Museum of Art (Muzeul de Arta Vizuala).

Highlights Galati

  • Waterfront Galati (Aleea Faleaza Dunarii)
  • Parcul Mihai Eminescu
  • Biserica St. Precista
  • Gradina Botanica Galati
  • Biserica Vovidenia
  • Catedrala Arhiepiscopala Sfantul Apostol Andrei
  • Palatul de Justitie
  • Muzeul de Istorie Paul Paltanea
  • Palatul Episcopal Muzeul Istoriei
  • Muzeul de Arta Vizuala
  • Castrul roman de la Tirighina-Barbosi
  • Lacul Brates
  • Padurea Garboavele / Zoo

Galati City Guide

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A must for every visitor to the city of Galati is a boat tour on the Danube. There are many different tours on offer. For example, you can make two-hour river tours with passenger ships from the river promenade (Aleea Faleaza Dunarii) or book full-day tours to the Danube Delta or multi-day river cruises on the Danube.
Outside the city you will also find, how could it be otherwise in Romania, nature. The Lacul Brates offers among others possibilities for water sports. The forest area Padurea Garboavele is home to a zoo and invites you for a walk. Galati is also a paradise for anglers, who will find numerous fishing spots in the area. And if you are already so far in the east of Romania, don’t miss the unique Danube Delta, a natural paradise of which there are only a few left in the world.

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