The Gura Dobrogea Nature Reserve (Rezervația naturală Gura Dobrogei) is located in Constanța County in eastern Romania and is a truly beautiful nature reserve that you should see. Gura Dobrogea is a spectacular tourist attraction, where you can find unique flora and...
Calimani National Park (Parcul Național Călimani) is located in the north-east of Romania and is a nature reserve you should see. You can explore the beautiful nature on numerous hiking trails. The nature park is part of the Eastern Carpathians and is located about...
Semenic Cheile Carașului National Park (Parcul Național Semenic – Cheile Carașului) is located in western Romania and covers 36 hectares of mountains, forests, rivers and waterfalls, as well as caves that you can discover through numerous well-marked hiking...
The so-called Iron Gate Nature Park (Parcul Natural Porțile de Fier) in Romania is a great nature reserve with spectacular sights and fantastic natural beauty along the course of the lower Danube River. On a stretch of about 140 kilometers between the Romanian towns...
Parts of the Danube Delta are a biosphere reserve (Rezervatia Biosferei Delta Dunarii ) and unique in Europe. It is a grandiose nature reserve that relies on soft tourism. The delta is a labyrinth of smaller rivers, and larger estuaries of the Danube, as well as...
The Piatra Craiului National Park (Parcul National Piatra Craiului) covers an area of almost 15000 hectares and is located in the Southern Carpathians in Brasov & Arges County. The National Park offers different hiking trails whose entry points are located near...