Restaurants in Tarnaveni

In the city of Tarnaveni there is a variety of restaurants and inns that offer their guests both regional and international food and drinks. Therefore, there should be something for every taste. Whether traditional Romanian dishes or international food and drinks, the...

Map Dej

City map Dej, on the map you will find, among other things, places of interest such as churches, castles, palaces as well as parks, landmarks, tourist information or even important infrastructure points such as railroad stations and more. Furthermore, there are sights...

Accommodations Dej

The city of Dej is a popular destination for vacation trips of any kind. Whether it is a short vacation, a weekend trip, a city break, a summer vacation, a winter vacation or an active vacation. In the city and its surroundings you will find a selection of...

Restaurants in Dej

In the city of Dej there is a variety of restaurants and pubs that offer their guests both regional and international food and drinks. Therefore, there should be something for every taste. Whether traditional Romanian dishes or international food and drinks, the...

Map Craiova

City map Craiova, on the map you will find, among other things, places of interest such as churches, castles, palaces as well as parks, landmarks, tourist information or even important infrastructure points such as railroad stations and more. Furthermore there are...

Museums Craiova

In the beautiful city of Craiova you can find several interesting museums. Among them are the Museum of Natural History, the Museum of Art, the Museum of History and others, which present exhibits from various fields and eras. You can explore the museums on your own...