Map of Arad, in the city map you can find among other things places of interest churches, castles, palaces as well as parks, landmarks, tourist information or even important infrastructure points such as railroad stations and more. Furthermore there are sights worth...
In the city of Arad there is a variety of restaurants and pubs that offer their guests both regional and international food and drinks. Therefore, there should be something for every taste. Whether traditional Romanian dishes or international food and drinks, the...
The restaurant Ema Del Mar is located in the city of Arad, and offers among other things fish and steaks. The seafood platter is also popular. The restaurant is located at Strada Episcopiei 9 and is popular with both tourists and locals, so a reservation is...
The restaurant Ratio is located in the city of Arad, and offers among other international dishes as well as Romanian dishes. Known for delicious soups. The restaurant is popular with both tourists and locals, so a reservation is recommended in the evening. Food &...
The restaurant Apetit Bistro is located in the city of Arad, and offers among other things every day a tasty lunch menu at a reasonable price . We also recommend the traditional Romanian dessert Papanasi and the fresh salads. Food & Dishes: The restaurant’s...
The Ursilor Cave (Bear Cave) is located in the Parcul Naturala Apuseni and is one of the most famous attractions in Romania. The cave consists of 4 areas of which several areas are also accessible to tourists. Fossils of bears have given the cave its name, so it is...