Restaurant Radu

The restaurant Radu Suceava is located in the city of Suceava, and offers among other traditional Romanian food and dishes .The restaurant is popular with both tourists and locals. Food & Dishes: The offer of the restaurant includes traditional Romanian food and...

Restaurant Terasa Anna

The restaurant Terasa Anna is located in the town of Tragu Jiu, and offers among others pizza, pasta, desserts, appetizers, special dishes .The restaurant is popular with both tourists and locals. Food & Dishes: The restaurant’s offer includes pizza, pasta,...

Restaurant Hanul Domnesc

The restaurant Hanul Domnesc is located in the town of Targu Jiu, and offers among other authentic Romanian food and dishes .The restaurant is popular with both tourists and locals. Food & Dishes: The offer of the restaurant includes authentic Romanian food and...

Restaurant Ambasador Elite Targu Jiu

Restaurant Ambasador Elite is a traditional restaurant located in the town of Targu Jiu. It offers among other traditional as well as international dishes and meals. The restaurant is popular among both tourists and locals. Food & Dishes: The offer of the...

Restaurant Dinar Timisoara

The Dinar Restaurant is located in the city of Timisoara, and offers among other traditional Romanian food and dishes, Balkan dishes .The restaurant is popular with both tourists and locals. Food & Dishes: The offer of the restaurant includes traditional Romanian...