Romania, with its numerous mountains and rock formations, offers numerous opportunities for climbing in beautiful regions. Furthermore, there are man-made climbing parks and climbing courses and climbing walls. Climbing is not yet so popular in Romania, but there are still numerous climbing opportunities and constructed tours on mountain walls.
Climbing Areas:
- Cheile Turzii
- Piatra Craiului
- Baile Herculane
- Pietrele lui Solomon
- Valea Prahovei – Sinaia
- Refugiul Costila
- Cheile Rasnoavei
- Cheile Sohodolului
Salvamont (+40) 725826668 (Mountain Rescue)
Climbing Gyms:
- Sala de sport-Scoala Darste, Brasov
- Galactic Indoor Climbing GYM, Bucuresti
- Centrala de Escalada, Cluj-Napoca
Salita de Catarat, Iasi - One Move Climbing Gym, Timisoara
- Gecko Climb, Oradea
- and more
Nature and National Parks
Nature and National Parks
Romania is characterised by numerous nature parks, idyllic forests, mountain peaks, lakes and the sea.