Map of Constanta

Map of Constanta, at the city map you can find among other things places of interest churches, castles, palaces as well as parks, landmarks, tourist information or even important infrastructure points such as railroad stations and more. Furthermore, there are sights...

Museums in Constanta

Constanta, the port city on the Black Sea in Romania, has several interesting museums, including art museums, as well as history museums, a maritime museum and others. The museums show the most diverse exhibits from Romanian life, Romanian history and art from...

Restaurant Bacaro Port

Bacaro Port restaurant is located in the old port (Portul Turistic Tomis) of Constanta, and offers among others fresh fish and seafood, Mediterranean meat dishes, pasta and more. The restaurant is popular with both tourists and locals. Food & Dishes: The...

Restaurant Esplanada

Esplanada Constanta restaurant is located directly on the beach of Constanta, and offers among other fish and seafood, as well as meat dishes and more .The restaurant is popular with both tourists and locals, as it offers not only delicious food, but also a beautiful...

Restaurant Bierhaus Constanta

Restaurant Bierhaus Constanta is located in the center of Constanta. A typical German beer house in Constanta on the Black Sea offers, among other things, hearty dishes and Hofbräuhaus beer. The restaurant is popular with both tourists and locals. Food & Dishes:...